Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Welcome to Room 9's Blog


On this blog I hope you will see some of the amazing things that Room 9 have achieved.  We will use it to record our learning experiences so we can share all of our learning with friends and family.

At the end of each week the class will get together and write something on the blog and upload some of our photos from the week to illustrate our writing and learning experiences. This is a chance to write to a real audience. As you become more familiar with the blog it would be wonderful if you could comment on the blog to Room 9. 


  1. Looking forward to seeing more of your AMAZING work Room 9!!!

  2. Fairbairn Family27 May 2013 at 00:52

    What a wonderful start to the blog Room 9!

  3. Hi Janine and Room 9 wizards,
    I am so impressed by your blog - well done to you all. It is wonderful to see what you are all doing in and out of the classroom. Your projects and learning activities look so stimulating, interesting and innovative compared to when I went to Maori Hill School. Congratulations on an excellent blog and thank you for letting us share in Room 9's creativity and learning fun!
    Fitzgerald Family
