Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Our 1st visit to Ross Creek

As part of our topic for this term we are learning all about Ross Creek and how it is a treasured recreational reserve for  our community at Maori Hill.  The junior school set off to explore what Ross Creek had to offer and they were not disappointed!

 We had a wonderful walk exploring, using four out of our five senses;  looking, listening, touching and smelling and we used our 'writers notebooks' to capture our memories as we went so we could turn it into some descriptive writing.  Here are a few of the children's pieces about Ross Creek.

I felt excited when I first entered Ross Creek. I felt air tingling on my face and warmth coming down between trees. Birds were tweeting and fantails were fluttering about. We walked on slippery rocks with beautiful blue streams around the rocks. There were little mushroom cities and fluffy moss everywhere.  I saw colourful leaves falling to the ground and bumpy bark coming off trees. I can’t wait to go there again.
By Hannah Hemi

Ross Creek
As I entered Ross Creek a SHIVER went down my spine because the temperature dropped. When I was walking I saw a fallen tree and some bark was hanging off the tree. The tree leaned up against a skinny thin tree like it had fainted. As I went on, I saw millions of little cute mushrooms. They looked like mushroom homes for fairies. When my group got starving, Thomas’s mum got out some CHOCOLATE. We had three PIECES each.    Then we started to say “more chocolate please!” Then she gave us three more PIECES. Suddenly we saw a creek. I put my foot in it. It was icy cold.  Ross Creek was AMAZING. I can’t wait to go again.
By Harry Easton.

My Adventure In Ross Creek
As we stepped past the sign, a cold chill went down my spine like waves crashing against the shore. The trees were twisty and crooked. I hoped I wouldn’t fall off the edge of the track. It was like a haunted forest, but there were just no ghosts. I could smell a soily, musty smell among the trees, as if someone had stinky feet in a strong scent, Eeewww! The branches that hung over us were chipped like the ragged old clothes of a pirate. The stream made trickling noises. It was whooshing and whirling, twisting and twirling. The mushrooms were like fairy houses. And then I knew, that was an adventure I would never forget.
By Amelie Warlow

Ross creek
As I  heard people saying we were there , my heart  started to rise with happiness . We were at Ross Creek. The first things I saw were... people entering of course and obviously gorgeous trees. 
Next we started walking.  I heard the chit chat of children voices.Then I just saw the most amazing sight. It was a billion tiny mushrooms just sitting there looking like smurf houses in their cottage. Next I tasted and smelt fresh air blowing past my nose. After that I saw the most coolest sight, it was a tree with bark peeling away like thrown away banana peel, some falling and some not but they were amazing.  I then saw two spider webs. They looked awesome and they looked like bubbles forming. Then  finally I crossed a gorgeous... creek .The water was rushing so so fast.  We moved on and suddenly stopped because that was as far as we were allowed to go . We turned around and  carried on all the way back to school. I had so much fun that I wished  I could do that all again another day. 
By Harriet Miller

1 comment:

  1. Wow, INCREDIBLE descriptive language in these pieces. You captured Ross Creek and its characteristics beautifully, as well as adding your personal experiences too. I'm very impressed! xxx Penny
