Thursday, 24 October 2013

House Awakes Poetry


Personification is when you make a thing, idea, or an animal do something that only humans can do.

For example:  ‘Wind yells while blowing’ or ‘a tree waves its arms’

Have a read and see if you can spot the personification in some of our poems about
‘A House Awakes’

Toothbrush wiggles inside my mouth
The garage opened its mouth
The shower swallows water
The fire coughs smoke.
By Kiijahna

My alarm clock sings
Suddenly taps dribble
Straight after...pipes gurgle
Mum's i-phone blinks
The coffee machine spits
The table groans
The shower cries
The roof creaks
The wind talks and...
Walls chatter.
By Thomas

The tap vomits hot and cold water
Toaster coughs out toast
Shower sneezes out hot water
Toothbrush sings
Knives fight for freedom
The floorboards groan.
By Jacob Cushen

The old lazy fire stretches 
Kitchen draws have a conversation
The roof talks to the birds
Doors fighting
The TV flickers and the radio sings
Luke still snoring his head off.
By Billy Bezett

As the curtains are pulled back
Windows open their eyes
The photos blink and stare at me
The tap spits out freezing cold water
Cupboard opening arms reach out at me
As the garage opens it starts to yawn.
By Ella

I-pad blinks open its eyes
Washing machine gargles
Garage door yawns
Hose gives the house a shower
Table eats pancakes
My house is going to work.
By Elsie

Monday, 21 October 2013

Haiku Poetry

Today the children have been learning about Haiku Poetry.  
This is a Japanese style of poetry that follows a strict structure where it has only three lines and follow a pattern of;
 5 syllables, 
7 syllables,  
5 syllables.  
It is often used to describe nature.

Children worked together in small groups to try and create a haiku poem about 'Wind'. This is what they came up with...

Wind blows in my face
It whistles along the green leaves,
It twirls around me.
Qwenton, Caleb, Hwi Seong

The soft wind whispers
Moving branches on the trees
Birds fly away home.
Dylan, Kiijahna, Jacob C

Dancing in the sky
Twirling, whirling in my face
Blows me off my feet.
Amelíe, Briana

Wind dancing gently
Roughly whooshing through the air
Air gentle but cool.
Nicholas, Thomas & Julia

Twirling, swirling wind,
The rough wind blows violently,
The calm wind blows slow.
Marek, Billy, Alexia

Dancing whistling wind
Wind blowing in our faces
Twirling, whirling wind.
Chloe, Hannah, Hazel

The Wind
Whistling gentle wind
Silently but violently
Powerful and rough.
Ella, Amanda, Harriet

The Wind
Violently gusting
Swishing, twirling wind dances
Blows away cobwebs.
Harry, Will, Jacob Mc

Sunday, 20 October 2013

International Day

We have had a great first week back for term 4 and to finish the week we have enjoyed celebrating our cultures within our classroom with International Day.  From singing songs, writing our name in korean, sharing stories and sharing some tasty dishes from around the world it is fair to say we have thoroughly enjoyed our day.  Here are some photos of our day.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Junior Cross Country

Well done Room 9 for all of your hard work in training for the Cross Country. What a great afternoon you had pushing yourselves to the limit to finish the run without stopping.  Here are some photos of the afternoon.