Sunday, 23 June 2013

Advertisers in the making!

Over the last few weeks the children have been working in small teams to design new packaging and an advertising poster for their scroggin.   They used 'Comic Life' to design their posters and  'Sketch Up' which allowed them to design and create a 3d image.  The children had to think carefully about the shape of the box they wanted and also the  design  and advertising features to try and captivate their target audience.   Would you buy their product?


  1. Room 9 - Can I please place an order of a box of scroggin from every one of you!!??!! The designs, packaging and marketing concepts are fantastic - and I understand the product was absolutely yummy and full of energy too!
    Well done!!

  2. Mmmm - all these scroggin posters are making me feel quite peckish!
    Ben (Thomas' Dad)

  3. Fairbairn Family27 June 2013 at 03:43

    Amazing Graphic Designers! Scroggin with lollies in it? mmmmmm yummm!!

  4. Lots of alliteration on the outside of the packets but I'm more interested in the healthy and delicious contents! Some good marketing ideas. All great fun and good learning! Thomas' Grampy in a very hot and sunny England.

  5. Well done Room 9! You have made some fantastic advertisements and I think you would all make plenty of sales of your scrumptious looking scroggin! Keep up the great work! Pip

  6. Am now famished!!! Great adverts/packaging Room 9:) Thank you for sharing Mrs. Weatherly-you are doing a super job!!!!
