Monday, 29 July 2013

Ross Creek inspired weaving

I have to share the wonderful weaving that the children have created.  The first layer was to choose colours that for them, represented Ross Creek.  They then needed to wind the wool around their cardboard - which took quite a few sessions!  Once the wool was in place they then created their own tree by weaving in contrasting wool.  These are pieces that I am sure you will treasure on your walls at home. Here is what they created

Friday, 26 July 2013

Running with the Highlanders!


As a big sweaty guy grabbed my hand I heard ‘‘Please welcome Andrew Hore and the Highlanders!’’
Ben Smith was holding  my shaking hand and he started jogging so I did too.

When I got on the field he let go.
I started shaking like mad so I started to sprint.

I saw 20 THOUSAND PEOPLE surrounding me.
I was scared, shaky and excited. By the time we got to the side of the field I could hear...
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1... KICK OFF.


My Highlander Adventure
 On Saturday night I went to the Forsyth Barr Stadium to run with the Highlander’s.  As I stepped through the tunnel I was filled with excitement.  I was about to burst out and yell, “GO HIGHLANDER’S!  As I was running through the tunnel, I felt a breeze rushing through my face. 

I was supposed to run with Ben Smith but I ended up running with someone else.  When I got onto the field I heard people shouting. It was a big bundle of noise. When I reached the other side I had to run around the outside of the field. 

Then I went to watch the game.  I forgot to mention some of my friends came too.  Anyway lets get back to the part when I’m watching the game. 
“Yay!!”  Ben Smith scored a try.  I wondered who was going to score next.

Crusaders scored a few more tries and when I saw the Crusaders were winning I started to clank my teeth!  Finally the Highlander’s scored but the Crusaders were still in the lead. 

It was nearly the end of the game and I knew the Crusader’s were going to win but I was still hoping the Highlander’s would win this game.

Finally the game finished but the Crusaders won!  Running with the Highlander’s was so much fun I wish I could do it again.
By Elisa Fitzgerald 


I’m at the rugby stadium and someone is showing me to a special room where we needed to get dressed.  My friends and I were lucky enough to win a poster competition, which meant we could run out with the Highlander’s. 

They gave us shorts and t-shirts.  They looked big on all of us!  Then we played a game to fill in some extra time.  Finally a nice lady took us to the tunnel.  Then we saw the highlander’s!

I was with Colin Slade.  He was very tall and he looked strong!  I looked out into the stadium and saw 18,000 people.  I heard people cheering!  One person even threw a lollie for us. 

I felt Colin’s sweaty hand and he was fast; I mean really fast!  I almost fell over!  I felt my heart beating as I ran on and I felt important because everyone was looking at me!  I felt the spikey grass digging into my shoes then a cameraman said, “Smile!” 

I had dinner after that; two hot pottles of chips and a lollie snake.  I heard Will shouting, “No, get it down the field!” and as he said that, I thought, I will write a story about this at school.

By Ruby Baker

Highlanders  v.s  Crusaders
      As I stepped into  the tunnel it smelt like disgusting sweat. When all the Highlander's came out of the changing room, I went with Elliot Dickson. His hand was really muscly and big. Then it was time to run out. I felt so excited! 
        Wow look at all those people looking at me. ‘Its so big!’ I thought to myself. As he let go of my hand I sprinted off to the cameraman. He said “Wave to the crowd!’’ So we all did. 
     When we were back in the tunnel we walked back to the changing room and got dressed back into our other clothes. When we were all dressed we went to our seats. We got some tries but unfortunately we lost. What an experience. I wish I could do it again.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Persuasive Writing

This term we have been learning to write persuasive arguments.  Here are a few of the children's arguments.  Have they been able to persuade you to think differently?


 I believe it is important to wear helmets.
You should wear a helmet so you don’t damage your brain. If you damage your brain you can’t move because the brain helps you work. 

If you wear a helmet you will not damage your brain.

If you hit your head and your legs they might break. You can heal            
broken legs but not a broken brain.

So you need to a helmet so you don’t bump your head. 

By Briana 

Children should be in bed by 7 o’clock

I do not agree because I believe that children should not go to bed by 7 
o’clock because if you are in bed by 7’o clock you can’t do as many things. 

If you are 10 or over you can’t stay up for long. In summer you can’t play outside in the heat and
you can’t watch you favourite shows on tv.

If you come home from a late sport you need time to relax. If you have a party after 7 o’clock you can’t go to it.  If you  go to bed by 7’o clock you might get up too early and annoy your parents.

As you can see I’ve shown you some good reasons why children should not go to bed by 7’o clock.

By Marek 

Helmets should be worn when riding scooters

Thesis:  I believe that children should be wearing scooter helmets because if you fall off the scooter onto concrete you will hurt your skull and sometimes break it! 

Always wear helmets and shin pads while riding scooters because your brain controls your body and that is how you move and get smart. If you break one brain, sorry, but you can’t fix it.

If you be safe with your very own scooter, guess what? you’ll stay ALIVE!!!!

by  Hwi Seong 

Should Helmets be worn when riding scooters?

I believe helmets should be worn when riding a scooter because:

  1. If you hurt your brain it is likely for you to be not smart.
   2. The most important part of your body is your brain, if it gets hurt you could forget how to walk and think.

3. You only have one brain so take good care of it!

Wear a helmet and be safe!!

By Ruby 

Should helmets be worn when riding scooters?

I think we should not wear helmets because they will slow you down because of the weight.  If you hit your head it is not so bad because you will get very nicely treated at the hospital. At the hospital you could get ice crem, juice and lollies. You could sleep all day and grow and you can watch tv.

By not wearing a helmet you can take days off school. You will not have to do  to your homework. You could be very lazy. You could probably get what ever you wanted. 

Now I have proved that you should not wear helmets while riding scooters.

By   Will 

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Drama in Room 9

Over the last few weeks the children have had a lot of fun getting into drama.  Some of the exercises we have been working on have been learning to 'mirror' our partner.  Here is a video of the exercise.

We have also been learning how we can use our body in different ways to create different shapes.  We have explored working on our own and working as part of a team to create shapes.  Here are some photos of the children making a bridge and a digger.  They had to make sure that each member of the  group was joined together in some way. Can you work out which groups have created a bridge and which groups have created a digger?

Last session of Ripper Rugby

The children had a great final session of Ripper Rugby with Ginny on Tuesday.  It gave them a chance to put all of their new skills learnt into a game situation.  Our fabulous Photographer - Caleb - has managed to capture some of the excitement of the session.

Monday, 1 July 2013

Room 9's New Toy Designs

As part of our persuasive language work for the term the children were set a homework task of designing a new toy.   Once again, the children have shown their creativity and have designed some amazing new toys that I am sure would give some top 'Toy Designers' a run for their money!